Want to Write a Book? This Online Group Coaching Program Will Help You Do It

Want to Write a Book? This Online Group Coaching Program Will Help You Do It

Many people dream of writing and publishing a book ‘someday’, but statistics show only about 2% of those people actually realize their dream. I’m going to share a secret weapon with you that’s helped me with my books, and I know it will help you too!

It’s very fitting that I’m writing this post on March 8, 2019, International Women’s Day. It’s the final day of the Women In Publishing Summit, hosted by one of my favourite women in publishing, Alexa Bigwarfe.

Two years ago, I met Alexa after I won a spot in her group coaching program for writers as part of an online summit I was speaking at. Talk about divine intervention—I didn’t even know there were prizes for speakers or that one of them was for writers. I had just published my first book and had started working on my first novel, so I was super excited to meet Alexa and learn about her program.

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Create a Simple Video Sales Letter Script in Five Steps

Create a Simple Video Sales Letter Script in Five Steps

Video is gaining more popularity as a method of spreading your message. YouTube is now the second largest search engine next to Google and Google is starting to rank blog posts that include videos higher than similar posts that don’t include videos.

Marketers can connect with video viewers on a more emotional level than they can through a blog post because a video involves the use of more of our senses than reading a blog post.

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Will You Celebrate ELF Day with Me?

Will You Celebrate ELF Day with Me?

On December 7, 2018, the Alzheimer’s Society, UK will be celebrating Elf Day, a festive fundraising day where people where red and green and dress like elves to raise awareness about dementia. I mention this because many families, including my own, are affected by dementia, but this isn’t the Elf Day I wanted to talk to you about today.

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What is an eBook?

What is an eBook?

If you type “what is an eBook?” in the Google search bar, you’ll get a result that tells you it’s “an electronic version of a printed book that can be read on a computer or handheld device designed specifically for this purpose”. You might be thinking, “well duh, why on earth is she writing about this?”

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What You Need to Know About Profit and ROI

What You Need to Know About Profit and ROI

As a former accountant, I get really annoyed when people use terms like “profit” and “ROI” incorrectly, especially in their marketing material. As I research different methods to market my books, I have been bombarded with emails to join courses. This is all well and good, I signed up to learn more about these courses, but lately, one of the course providers made the claim that I would only have to sell 20 books at $10 each to recover the cost of the course.

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7 Popular Ways to Market Your Books for Free and How I'm Using Them

7 Popular Ways to Market Your Books for Free and How I'm Using Them

Earlier this year, my friend K. Kris Loomis wrote a great post about the results of her book marketing experiment and whether or not you can successfully promote your book on a tight budget. She inspired me to conduct a book marketing experiment of my own.

After running several unsuccessful Amazon ads and feeling like I was wasting my money. I decided to get back to basics and try marketing my book for free. I'm only about a month into the process of marketing my book using free methods, but my sales are already increasing and I’ve found a new excitement around marketing my book.

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Your Author Business: How Being an Author is the Same as Running a Business

Your Author Business: How Being an Author is the Same as Running a Business

Now that I’ve been immersed in author life for the past year or so, I’ve noticed a disturbing trend: not all authors consider themselves to be running a business. This can have detrimental effects on their book sales and net profit.

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