Track Income and Expenses to Improve Personal Finances

Track Income and Expenses to Improve Personal Finances

With the fourth quarter of the year just starting, I’ve heard a lot of chatter about planning and goals. Today, I wanted to share another way you can use your planner—to track your income and expenses to improve personal finances.

I started tracking my income and expenses at the beginning of this year as a way to keep an eye on the mountainous pile of debt I’d been accumulating. I like using Google Sheets, but you can easily do a quick tally at the bottom of a daily planner spread to record your income and expenses for that day. 

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Your Author Business: How Being an Author is the Same as Running a Business

Your Author Business: How Being an Author is the Same as Running a Business

Now that I’ve been immersed in author life for the past year or so, I’ve noticed a disturbing trend: not all authors consider themselves to be running a business. This can have detrimental effects on their book sales and net profit.

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