About Michelle!

I love to write and create things. Spending time with family is super important to me - life's too short!

I have two amazing sons who love Lego and ninjas...and TV (sigh)!! We try to read a ton of books to make up for the TV thing. One of my favourite ways to explain things to them is through stories (of course).

In 2017, I published Keep More Money: Find an Accountant You Trust to Help You Grow Your Small Business, Increase Profit, and Save Tax, because I was meeting a lot of entrepreneurs online. The most common thing they asked me about was taxes. As a former CPA, I know Canadian taxes, but every country has their own tax laws. Some are similar and some aren't.


You can also learn more about me by checking out my other websites:

Fiction | Kidlit | Freeing the Butterfly

There were a lot of people I wasn't able to help, because I didn't know the tax laws in their country. But what I was able to do was tell them how to find someone who could help them with their taxes. This is what Keep More Money is all about: asking the right questions to find the right professional for the job.

Then I realized there just aren't enough books with accountants as protagonists, and my idea for Murder Audit was born! Why should lawyers get to have all the fun?!!

You can read more about my story in this post about why I went from an in-demand accountant to an unknown author.

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