Review of Heal Yourself with Journaling Power by Mari McCarthy
/I’ve always been what I call a “reluctant journaler”. I’d start a daily journal practice only to stop a few days later. It would be days or even months before I’d start up again. After reading Heal Yourself with Journaling Power by Mari McCarthy, I’m definitely motivated to cultivate a daily journaling practice that sticks.
I love this opening quote from Mari: “When I change the way I look at me, the me I look at changes”. This had so much meaning for me and really shows how we are constantly evolving. By page 24 of Heal Yourself with Journaling Power, I was already fighting back tears, revelling in Mari’s amazing transformation story.
Not only is this book a great introduction to Mari’s own story, but there are also many stories from other people who have discovered the power of keeping a journal. From reading the book, I learned that journaling can be used to achieve many things. Conventional medicine can only take us so far. There are many symptoms of an ailing mind and body that don’t go away when we use medication that’s supposed to help us.
Change your life—resolve the issues in your tissues
I was amazed to learn that a daily journal practice helped Mari regain the use of the right side of her body after being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. And her book details many other symptoms and conditions that are profoundly affected by therapeutic writing. Here are just a few things that people have been able to accomplish by writing in a journal:
Improve physical and mental health,
Overcome addiction,
Get unstuck,
Find a life passion, and
Live a dream life!
Something for everyone
This is a wonderful book to learn how to journal because each chapter includes journal prompts to get you started! There is such a great variety of prompts included in the book that if you don’t like one, all you have to do is turn a few pages to find a different one.
My favourite tool mentioned in the book is the stress bucket. Draw a picture of a bucket and write all the things that cause stress and anxiety in the stress bucket. Now draw a tap at the bottom of the bucket. Coming out of the tap, write all the things that help mitigate stress and anxiety. So simple, yet so effective.
I recommend this book if you’re ready to learn how to develop a daily writing practice that will help you make big changes in your life. Check out my interview with Mari McCarthy and learn more about her book, Heal Yourself with Journaling Power, here.
Learn more about Mari McCarthy and her journaling journey by following her blog tour!