Story Planning: Three Ways to Get Started

Story Planning: Three Ways to Get Started

A few years ago I wrote a series of 12 blog posts about story planning. They were quite detailed and seemed to get a lot of views on Pinterest, so I ended up combining them into what I called “The Ultimate Guide to Planning a Novel.” I had written the posts over 12 days with each day focusing on a different step in the story planning process.

These days, I tend to want to plan my novels a little quicker than 12 days, so I thought I’d write a follow-up post and share some of the strategies I use now.

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How I Published Ten Books in One Year

How I Published Ten Books in One Year

About two years ago, I was chatting with Becca Syme, creator of the Better Faster Academy while taking the course “Write Better Faster.” The course—which I highly recommend along with Becca’s “Dear Writer” books and super helpful YouTube videos—uses CliftonStrengths to determine what will work best for writers based on their individual strengths.

When I had my one-on-one session with Becca, I remember saying, “I have no desire to write a book a month. That’s just not me.” Well, two years later, I’ve continued learning about my CliftonStrengths report and it turns out, it is me!

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Why I Chose to Self-Publish My Memoir and Forgo the Traditional Route

Why I Chose to Self-Publish My Memoir and Forgo the Traditional Route

* The following is a guest post by Linda Jämsén

When I first began writing my newly released book, Odyssey of Love: A Memoir of Seeking and Finding, I wasn’t sure I wanted it to see the light of day. My father had recently died, and writing was solely a therapeutic refuge in which I would escape into the manuscript. Did I really want to share parts of my personal life, including the demise of a long-term relationship, psychic sessions, and my romantic encounters overseas?

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Book Review: Save the Cat! Writes for TV

Book Review: Save the Cat! Writes for TV

First, what is Save the Cat!®?

Save the Cat! provides writers the resources they need to develop their screenplays and novels based on a series of best-selling books, primarily written by Blake Snyder (1957- 2009). Blake’s method is based on 10 distinctive genres and his 15 story beats (the Blake Snyder Beat Sheet). Our books, workshops, story structure software, apps, and story coaching teach you everything you need to unlock the fundamentals and mechanics of plot and character transformation.

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Self Publishing on Amazon and Beyond with Publish and Thrive

Self Publishing on Amazon and Beyond with Publish and Thrive

Self publishing on Amazon is a great goal, but as someone who’s tested publishing books strictly on Amazon as well as on all the other platforms, I recommend publishing wide. One of the first indie authors I heard use the term “publishing wide” was Sarra Cannon.

I talk about Sarra’s resources for authors in my book The Prosperous Authorpreneur because she has a lot of awesome information for authors who are self-publishing. Many of her resources are also free! (More on those resources below.)

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A Tool to Crush Writer's Block

A Tool to Crush Writer's Block

Have you ever suffered from writer’s block? It has to be one of the most debated topics in the writing world. Some writers believe there’s no such thing and others can attest to how debilitating it can be. I fall somewhere in the middle of the spectrum, but I have to say, I don’t like the word “block.” Stuck or having a less than productive day, sure, but having a block just sounds so awful to me!

Quite some time ago, the lovely Mari McCarthy from Create Write Now gifted me her journaling course Overcome Page Fright. I first met Mari two years ago when I interviewed her about her book Heal Yourself with Journaling Power. If you’re not familiar with Mari, she famously says, “Release the issues in your tissues,” and she is living proof that journaling will change your life.

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