100 Words About Love

100 words about love - a drabble.png

My October Hello Writer Subscription included a prompt to write a 100-word story about love. I decided to take this on because my next project is a historical romance, and I thought this would be the perfect thing to get me in the right mind frame for writing a romance. Then I realized, I had no idea where to start.

I laugh at myself now. You start by starting, by doing, by just writing! But I found myself researching how to write a 100-word story. I felt the need to plan even such a short story.

A 100-word story is called a drabble. I was first introduced to drabbles almost a year ago when I read one by my friend, Kris: A Night Before Christmas. I loved how so much could be conveyed in such a small space. That’s the power of words.

So, here it goes, my first attempt at a drabble.

The Right Thing

I thought I did the right thing that day. The day that would be the last time I saw you alone. If I knew it was the last time I'd see you like that, I wouldn't have sent you away. I would have told you everything instead. I would have put my heart on the line.

If I was right then why do you haunt me so? Reminding me I can't live my life without you, showing me I don't deserve to. I thought I did the right thing. But it turns out, right and true are very different things.

A drabble is a 100-word story. Here's 100 words I wrote about love.

I hope you will join me on my blog for a special series next month, 12 Days of Planning Your Next Novel, where I will be planning my historical romance and taking you through some ideas you can use to plan your own novel.

Let me know below what you thought of my drabble. :)