/* Today I’m sharing a guest post from B. Lynn Goodwin as part of her blog tour with WOW! Women on Writing. Thanks so much for the post, Lynn!
Read MoreBlogging about my books, the writing process, mindset, and anything else I feel like sharing.
* Today I’m sharing a guest post from B. Lynn Goodwin as part of her blog tour with WOW! Women on Writing. Thanks so much for the post, Lynn!
Read MoreToday I’m sharing a special guest post from author Kim McCollum as part of her WOW! Women on Writing tour for her book What Happens in Montana. Take it away, Kim!
Writing with five children is not an easy feat. At least they were all in school full time when I set out to write a novel, but it is truly miraculous how quickly those seven or so hours fly by while kids are at school.
Read MoreToday I’m sharing a special guest post from Katie R. Aune as part of a WOW! Women on Writing Blog Tour for her book Finding Katya. Take it away, Katie!
When I quit my job to backpack the former Soviet states in 2011, I launched a travel blog to share my experiences with friends and family. I never dreamed I’d end up writing a book about the experience.
Read MoreI’m excited to interview D.W. Brooks today as part of the WOW! Women on Writing blog tour!
Read MoreA huge thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Griffin for the digital ARC of The Grammar Daily by Mignon Fogarty. You may be more familiar with Mignon as Grammar Girl. I love her practical grammar advice, and her latest book is no different!
Read MoreToday I’m sharing a special guest post from Margarita Barresi as part of the WOW! Women on Writing blog tour for her novel A Delicate Marriage. Take it away, Margarita!
Writing has always come easily to me. Perhaps it’s an innate talent, but one I’ve also honed through hard work and practice. I did not write creatively as a child, teen, or young adult. Instead, I chose to spend my time reading everything I could get my hands on.
Read MoreI’m excited to share my review of Time to Write by Emily Winslow as part of the WOW! Women on Writing blog tour! First, here’s a bit about the book…
Read MoreToday I have a special guest post from author Emily Winslow as part of her WOW! Women on Writing blog tour for Time to Write! Thank you, Emily!
I first started teaching because my kids were about to enter school. I realized that most of my social life and out-of-the-house time were linked with taking the boys to activities, and that was about to disappear. Writing is necessarily a solitary activity, so though I already had a job (meaning book deadlines), I wanted to add something that would put me in the same room with other people sometimes.
Read MoreHi, I'm Michelle! Writing is a passion of mine. I love to entertain and educate through my writing. I started out writing about business and money and have moved on to thrillers and picture books.
Spending time with family is what I'm all about. Life's too short!
I have two amazing sons who love Lego and ninjas...and TV (sigh)!! We read a ton of storybooks to make up for the TV thing. One of the best ways to explain things is through stories of course.
If it was up to me, I'd have chips and dip for dinner every night with a super dark chocolate bar to round out the meal...and maybe an apple! It's a good thing I've got kids and a husband. They keep me responsible (and healthy).