Michelle Cornish - Freelance Writer | Author Illustrator

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Want to Win a Free Writing Workshop?

What’s one thing that really grabs readers and keeps them turning the pages? Emotion!

Today’s a big day – The Emotion Amplifier Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide to Character Stress and Volatility has just released, and as part of the Street Team, I’m helping to get the word out about a HUGE giveaway Angela and Becca are running to celebrate!  

This guide is a companion to the popular Emotion Thesaurus and covers all the ways to push a character emotionally, setting them up for BIGGER reactions.

Emotion Amplifiers are specific states and conditions that can strain a character to the point they lose control. Pain, exhaustion, arousal, and competition are just some of the amplifiers that can send your character over the edge. If they give in to what they feel, they might lash out, take foolish risks, show poor judgment, and act in ways that take their situation from bad to worse. Hello, conflict! 

Win a Free Workshop!

Amplifiers can bring a character’s emotions to the surface for readers to see, which is exactly what we need to happen. But that’s not all they do. Becca and Angela can’t wait to dive into how they can power a story and are celebrating this release with a very special Zoom workshop. 

100 Seats Are Up for Grabs! 

If you’ve ever attended a workshop by Angela and Becca, you know you’ll learn a ton. Head over here to enter the giveaway, but hurry – the last day to enter is May 17th, 2024.

Good luck!